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MOM'S WAX YELLOW (0/+10) Ski Wax Block с графит е усъвършенствана ски вакса, оптимизирана за производителност при студени температури от 0 до +10 градуса по Целзий. Тази вакса, обогатена с графит, подобрява скоростта, плъзгането и издръжливостта на ски, като намалява триенето и удължава живота на оборудването. Идеална за заледени или твърдо утъпкани писти, тя осигурява отличен контрол и увереност дори на най-трудните склонове.

MOM'S WAX YELLOW (0/+10) Ski Wax Block with Graphite is specifically engineered to excel in colder temperatures, making it perfect for icy or hard-packed snow conditions. With its optimized temperature range of 0 to +10 degrees Celsius, this wax block delivers superior performance and control, allowing you to conquer even the most challenging slopes with confidence.

The addition of graphite particles to MOM'S WAX YELLOW wax creates a dynamic synergy that enhances its hydrophobic properties and reduces friction to an even greater extent. The graphite forms a thin, low-friction layer on the ski base, resulting in increased speed and improved glide over the snow. This innovative technology not only maximizes your efficiency but also extends the durability of the wax, providing long-lasting protection against wear and tear.




Tel: +359885463277


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